Abreviações inglês
LOLAK - Lots Of Love And Kisses (Muito amor e beijos!)
GLTY - Good Luck To You (Boa sorte pra você!)
IDK - I Don't Know (Eu não sei)
OJ - Only Joking (Brincadeirinha!)
DYK - Did You Know (Você sabia?)
TAI - Think About It (Pense a respeito)
STSP - Same Time Same Place (Mesma hora e local)

2 = to , too , two
2day = today
2moro = tomorrow
2nite = tonight
4 = for, four
4eva = forever
asap = as soon as possible (o mais breve possível)
brb = be right back
btw = by the way
cn = can
cu = see you
cud = could
evry1 = everyone
ez = eazy
fone = phone
gd = good
gr8 = great
l8 = late (tarde)
l8r = later (depois)
lol = laugh out loud (rir alto)
luvu = love you
msg = message
ne1 = anyone (qualquer pessoa)
neway = anyway de (qualquer maneira)
no1 = no one (ninguém)
pls = please
ppl = people
ruok? = are you OK?
sn = soon
spksn = speak soon
txt = text
thanx ou thx = thanks
u = you
ur = you are
v = very
w = with
xoxoxo - hugs and kisses
yr = your , you're
OMG = Oh My god

Respostas exercícios dados em sala

The children are playing1 (play) in the garden.
She is driving / 's driving2 (drive) fast today.
They are not talking / 're not talking / aren't talking3 (not talk) to each other today.
Be quiet please. The baby is sleeping / 's sleeping4 (sleep).
At the moment my wife is feeding / 's feeding5 (feed) the dogs and I am watering / 'm watering6 (water) the plants.
Why are you reading7 (you read) the letter again? Because I am checking / 'm checking8 (check) for spelling mistakes.
The sky is getting / 's getting9 (get) dark. You'd better take an umbrella.
John is not studying / 's not studying / isn't studying10 (not study) at the moment. He is reading / 's reading11 (read) a comic book.
Where is Carla? She is sitting / 's sitting12 (sit) in the living room. What is she doing / 's she doing13 (she do)? She is watching / 's watching14 (watch) television.
What a nice dress you are wearing / 're wearing15 (wear) today.

Where's Dad? He is painting / 's painting1 (paint) the door.
He usually drinks tea, but today he is drinking / 's drinking2 (drink) coffee.
She usually goes to school by car, but today she is walking / 's walking3 (walk).
Who is he talking / 's he talking4 (he talk) to? He is talking / 's talking5 (talk) to his wife.
Maria is having / 's having6 (have) a meeting at the moment.
What are you doing7 (you do) tonight? I am staying / 'm staying8 (stay) at home.
Where are you going9 (you go) on holiday this summer? I am not going / 'm not going10 (not go) anywhere. I am staying / 'm staying11 (stay) at home.
What is he reading / 's he reading12 (he read)? He is reading / 's reading13 (read) an old newspaper article.
You are not telling / 're not telling / aren't telling14 (not tell) me the truth. You are hiding / 're hiding15 (hide) something from me.